Scanning Tips

Photos, Slides, & Negatives

What Am I Trying to Accomplish?

Scan Photos

  • Use the standard scanning recommendations as noted to the right and save to JPEG format with minimal compression settings.
  • Use the standard scanning recommendations as noted to the right, but save those photos you want to edit to a TIFF format until your editing is completed. TIFF files do not compress out data, like a jpeg photo can.

Scan a Scrapbook

  • Use the standard scanning recommendations as noted to the right and save to a JPEG format. Unless the scrapbook is smaller than 4" X 6", you will set the DPI setting for your scans at 300 dpi.
  • Most people will then combine all of their photo pages into a single PDF file.
  • To ensure that you will have adequate resolution for your extracted photos, you will need to increase the DPI scanner setting. For photos that are less than 4"x6", you are going to need a DPI setting of around 1200 DPI.
  • Measure the smallest size of a photo you want to crop out, then use the scanning guidelines to the right to set your scanner dpi settings.
  • Scan the scrapbook page and save to a TIFF format. This is your original file to begin extracting your photos from. The file size of your scan will likely be around 50+ megabytes.
  • At this point you will need some type of photo editing software to extract or crop out each photograph
  • Save the resulting separate photo crops to a JPEG format if NO editing is needed, or to a TIFF format if you need to do some editing on them
  • Once you have completed the extraction process, save your large full page size original file to a JPEG format for archiving or to combine to a single PDF file.

Print Digital Photographs to Photo Paper

  • What MINIMUM resolution does the digital photo have to be, to produce a good print quality on paper?

         Printers typically print at 300 dots/inch (DPI). Think of "dots" as the individual pixels that make up an image.

  • Calculate the MINIMUM photo resolution you need.

         Simply take the dimensions you want to print to and multiply times 300. For example, printing to 4" by 6" paper you would need to have a minimum of 1200 pixels (4"X300) by 1800 pixels (6"X300). These dimensions reflect a photo in "portrait" mode. Simply reverse the resolution for "landscape" mode. Portrait photos are taller than width. Landscape photos are wider than their width.
         Printing to 5" X 7" paper? 1500 pixels by 2100 pixels.
         Printing to 8" X 10" paper? 2400 pixels by 3000 pixels.

  • Can I still use photos with higher resolution?

    It's okay to have higher resolutions. Realize that many phone cameras are now capturing images at 4K resolution which is 3840 pixels by 2160 pixels, thus providing plenty of pixels to print out even large photos.

  • SmartPhones

    Realize that many phone cameras are now capturing images at 4K resolution which is 3840 pixels by 2160 pixels, thus providing plenty of pixels to print out even large photos.

  • Just remember that when you SCAN photos, you will want to set the DPI to a setting that will allow you to create a high enough resolution for good quality. Those minimum calculations are noted in the right column.
  • You can then print your digital images to your photo printer, or have them developed at a photo printing place.
  • For more information see the Button "What is DPI, PPI, Resolution" below.

Scanners & Settings

Simplified Scanning Guidelines
Size of Photo
1" by 1" (Slides)
2" by 3"
4" by 6"
5" by 7"
8" by 10"
Set DPI To
3200 DPI +
600 DPI
300 DPI
300 DPI
300 DPI

*Setting higher resolutions for these small images will yield a better digital image.

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